Friday, December 10, 2010

I sometimes wonder if its more 2 life than just taking care of everyone else-its certainly rewarding BUT sometimes I just need 2 take care of me-is that so bad?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Today I took Center STAGE!

NO-not literally, BUT I took center stage to do a rocket pitch on the greatest product ever made- MY BAGS and you know what, I did great....I was chosen (along with one other classmate) to participate in another competition where I will be able to showcase why my business idea is the greatest....

Sometimes, I get discouraged when it comes to me being and Entrepre-New-Woman and I feel that the bumps in the road are larger than the solutions--well today, I was proven wrong and received validation that not only is my concept a good one--its a GREAT ONE!!!

Watch out now--the Entrepre-New-Woman is stepping up and stepping out!! Oh and if I move to much I might drop this thing in my hands (you know, the world)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Re-INVENTION of HE and ME!!

Coming up on 3 years of marriage, I found myself needing to reinvent myself!! Being in a relationship for almost 9 years and 3 of them married-- I can't help to think there is something else I (we) should be doing.  Now its been a joy to be a wife, with a loving husband and child and I would never give that up... But sometimes its important just to check in to make sure I'm not missing anything...Or that he's not missing any thing. I continue to try to reinvent us BUT have found that - We're pretty good just as we are!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Sun will come out TOMORROW!

In an article written by Melody Hobson posted at I too believe after the Storm comes the Sun, but Melody certainly says it best:
"Indeed, recoveries do follow recessions,
and as a group we know that. In other
words, we are preparing for the possibility
of another downturn, even though we
look to the future with great hope. Losing
hope is debilitating, but remaining hopeful
opens up limitless possibilities. From saving
toward a rainy-day fund to building solid
retirement plans, to winning a presidential
election, that is the power of hope."
—Mellody Hobson
Mellody Hobson is president of Ariel
Investments L.L.C., a Chicago-based
money management fi rm serving individual
and institutional investors. She
is also a regular contributor to ABC’s
Good Morning America

Sunday, October 31, 2010

That Was Easy

Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places-- But, SO WHAT, it's help -- gotta learn to just accept it!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ok- The student was the teacher today. I have been mentored and guided quite a bit in my business lifetime BUT today I was the teacher! I must say it feels good

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ok-on the ball today!!! Mother first: watching my sons game! Entreprenuer second: meeting with KOMI bags production team. Third, Who Knows!!! Its still EARLY!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Watched" The Fantastic Mr Fox" tonight and as crazy as it might sound I took away a lesson: never stop digging(learning) -even if u loose ur tail along the way!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day Dreaming!!! STAY DREAMING

OH, What a Wonderful and Encouraging Poem! Read it twice - Read it 3 times!!!

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Be Careful What you Wish For

I always had this dream of becoming an Entrepreneur and quitting this horrific 9-5 nightmare (some call a "JOB")!!! I said to myself time and time again, that someway somehow somebody would discover how talented I was and offer me alot of money to be talented!! HA HA!! Anyhow, since I must paint a smile on and go on everyday to the land of the zombie employees - I found myself today faced with a decision, which was= to go or not to go??? I was told I was slacking at work and I kinda knew that but now the 'top dogs' found out and since I was now outed, I should just leave, RIGHT????? AUUGH, Wrong!! Instead I buried my head like a wide receiver getting hit by a 400 bound line backer and sucked it up and agreed to all their ridiculous requirements for me to keep my job in the Employee Zombie Land!!!

I vowed that when the opportunity came - I would go - but I didn't, WHY!!???

Fear, recession, bills, failure, self-disappointment - are any of these really good reasons to subject oneself to the Employee Zombie Land - we call WORK???

I don't know, but I'm out to find out how to beat the Woes or Working for someone and gain the Excitement in being an Entrepreneur!!!

I will end tonight with a Very Accurate quote from Charlie Brown:
“It always looks darkest just before it gets totally black.”

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Right when I thought I was On The Ball - It started rolling!!!! Whoa!! I've gotta hang on!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ok--as a startup business owner where the startup has been starting up for 3+ years--I understand I CAN NOT do it all myself--I must learn to LET GO!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thank you MAYA ANGELOU - You said it BEST!!!

 An excerpt from Maya Angelou's

......Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need for my care.
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Act Like NIKE and Just Do It! The Sky is REALLY your Limit!
I'm a Woman on The Ball - Handling it All.... That's who I AM!!!
It's official I am playing 'Employee' at my job - 'Employer' on my handbag company - and 'Advisor' to one of my bff's that is starting her company! Who am I???
Business doesn't sleep - so why should I!! Working on the Business Plan, yes, at Midnight...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Part of me that's a STUDENT

The STUDENT Part of Me
Earlier, I got a test back from a night class I'm taking to become a better business owner (oh, that's one of the parts of me-see earlier post)... With my husband working on the house, taking my son to football practice, my job being very demanding, and the thought of my birthday coming to claim another year of my life - I finished my paper. I'm excited to say it was an A (I couldn't believe it either)!!! But with all that was going on, I managed to bang out an excellent paper in about 45 minutes!!! Yeah ME!!!

The 12 PARTS of me - the WOMAN

I usually am a woman on the ball, but sometimes I just have 2 many Balls in the Air! I know I'm preaching to the chior here - but I must Preach... How is it possible for one woman to do so many and be so many things to so many people everyday????

Well TODAY, I realized the answer:

It's truly 12 "parts" that make me who I am and these "parts" multiply everyday - you want to know what they are:
  1. Wife
  2. Mother
  3. Friend
  4. Employee
  5. Business Owner
  6. Sister
  7. Aunt
  8. Daughter
  9. Driver
  10. Student
  11. Teacher
  12. Advisor
AND I DONT THINK THAT'S ALL, But I had to stop there!!! Whoa! It's exhausting just writing the list.