Thursday, May 26, 2011

F.E.A.R : Forget Everything and RUN!!

You know its funny that FEAR takes over when you're at the closest point of making a break through, crossing a threshold or opening a door to a new opportunity.

Just recently, while preparing for a speech to speak about my new handbag company KOMI Bags, I fell victim to FEAR. I knew my speech would be in front of about 100+ people (not alot right), and I knew my product inside out, and I also spoke in front of large audience before BUT, the FEAR settled in and ALMOST crippled me! My stomach cramped, I got dry mouth, I shivered, I was a complete mess (psychologically). Then, I began to prepare by re-running my speech in my head, this technique only proved to be disastrous because I almost forgot what I was going to talk about...Geeeezz

Finally after a few announcements and other speakers, it was my turn to SPEAK! 
and WOW, just as the first word left my mouth - the FEAR left my body!!!
 It's truly amazing how I became so afraid of not doing well and being unsuccessful that I ALMOST talked myself out of doing the Speech in the beginning... BUT what I realized is that you can't let the FEAR of the unknown  keep you from following your dreams!! If we 'JUST DO IT' (in the words of Nike) then we will be soo busy Just Doing It that it will be no time to worry about what would happen when it's time for us to Do something! It took me some time to realize that the psychological roller coaster I've been on was an unnecessary series of events. I must say, I'm glad I pushed through the FEAR and JUST DID IT!

Now, I challenge myself to embrace every opportunity(even if the outcome is unknown) head on! Not to let FEAR consume but to use that F.E.A.R to Forget Everything AND Run!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mom today! Working with my child on his home assignment is the best bonding exercise --especially when he is actually shows his appreciation!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Entreprenuership V.S. Everything else!

In the world of Business - it's sometimes hard to create, or stand behind the line that separates you business from your 'Everything Else'. In saying that, how is it impossible to be driven and NOT run all the people that you love over?? I sometimes wonder if there is a chance that while you're light is shinning your partner would consider turning his light off.... Or dimming his light a little for you.....

Friday, December 10, 2010

I sometimes wonder if its more 2 life than just taking care of everyone else-its certainly rewarding BUT sometimes I just need 2 take care of me-is that so bad?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Today I took Center STAGE!

NO-not literally, BUT I took center stage to do a rocket pitch on the greatest product ever made- MY BAGS and you know what, I did great....I was chosen (along with one other classmate) to participate in another competition where I will be able to showcase why my business idea is the greatest....

Sometimes, I get discouraged when it comes to me being and Entrepre-New-Woman and I feel that the bumps in the road are larger than the solutions--well today, I was proven wrong and received validation that not only is my concept a good one--its a GREAT ONE!!!

Watch out now--the Entrepre-New-Woman is stepping up and stepping out!! Oh and if I move to much I might drop this thing in my hands (you know, the world)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Re-INVENTION of HE and ME!!

Coming up on 3 years of marriage, I found myself needing to reinvent myself!! Being in a relationship for almost 9 years and 3 of them married-- I can't help to think there is something else I (we) should be doing.  Now its been a joy to be a wife, with a loving husband and child and I would never give that up... But sometimes its important just to check in to make sure I'm not missing anything...Or that he's not missing any thing. I continue to try to reinvent us BUT have found that - We're pretty good just as we are!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Sun will come out TOMORROW!

In an article written by Melody Hobson posted at I too believe after the Storm comes the Sun, but Melody certainly says it best:
"Indeed, recoveries do follow recessions,
and as a group we know that. In other
words, we are preparing for the possibility
of another downturn, even though we
look to the future with great hope. Losing
hope is debilitating, but remaining hopeful
opens up limitless possibilities. From saving
toward a rainy-day fund to building solid
retirement plans, to winning a presidential
election, that is the power of hope."
—Mellody Hobson
Mellody Hobson is president of Ariel
Investments L.L.C., a Chicago-based
money management fi rm serving individual
and institutional investors. She
is also a regular contributor to ABC’s
Good Morning America